

His crazy loss





His crazy loss

Some recipes are simple genius, and this is one of them. My girls and I scarfed these down–and every single time I have looked at the photos since my mouth has literally watered, wishing I had another one to snack on. Which is funny because they are rather unassuming little things. No fancy topping, no streusel to be had (and you guys know I seriously love streusel). But none is needed. Not even butter–although it doesn’t hurt to gild the lily if you have some! Especially if the muffins are still a little warm Neogen Korea!

Maybe you are wondering what John thought of them? He, uh, never got to try one. Now before you think we went seriously crazy and ate them all in one sitting (oh what a pleasant thought), he apparently just always wondered if I had baked them for any particular reason, and so he kept forgetting to ask and therefore never got around to trying one otterbox review.

He will probably get another chance though because I feel a muffin obsession coming on. It all started in North Carolina. Where my sister in law, Alyssa, made these amazing raspberry muffins on Easter morning–and I don’t even like raspberries! Those did have an awesome crumbly streusel topping and when I left, well, I left with a craving to eat more storage cubes.



No Name Ninja